Fight For The Truth
Heroes who went the extra mile to bring killers to justice
10x60' True Crime Format
The series that reveals the stories of heroes who went the extra mile when the odds were stacked against them to crack murder cases and bring killers to justice. Each episode features a different, compelling case with four coming from the UK and six from the US including the British case of Julie Hogg whose mother changed an 800-year old double jeopardy law to convict her killer and the US case of 3-year old Ashley McLellan who was found dead in an outdoor pool – an on-scene fire captain knew it wasn’t an accidental death and was determined to prove it.
Every episode is authored by the hero who drove the search for justice and was instrumental to solving the case. As each case unfolds, the hero’s journey is supported by other key players including family and friends, police officers, lawyers and a wide range of investigative experts. Each episode concludes with the truth finally being unearthed and a killer is convicted.